Monday, November 07, 2005

Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day

Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day: "The tongue is the armour of the heart; it guards one's life. Loud and unnecessary talk, words full of anger and hatred - all these affect the health of man. They breed anger and hate in others; they wound, they excite, they enrage, they estrange. Why is silence said to be golden? The silent man has no enemies, though he may not have friends. He has the leisure and the chance to dive within himself and examine his own faults and failings. He has no more inclination to seek them in others. If your foot slips, you suffer a fracture; if your tongue slips, you fracture someone's faith or joy. That fracture can never be set right; that wound will fester forever. Therefore, use the tongue with great care. Always speak softly and sweetly, and only as much as is necessary."


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