Monday, November 21, 2005

SaiDarshan 21st Nov

If God is a flower, you should feel yourself a bee that sucks its honey, if he is tree, be a creeper that clings to it, if he is the sky, be a tiny star that twinkles in it. Above all, be conscious of the truth that you and He are bound by supreme love. BABA

Sunday, November 20, 2005

SaiDarshan 20th Nov

There is no greater penance than contentment for securing happiness.
There is no worse disease than insatiable desire.
There is no greater virtue than compassion.
Peace is the highest spiritual discipline.

Life is a mirage;
It comes from no visible rain;
It falls into no recognizable sea.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sai Darshan -19th Nov

Your progress is reflected back as Grace, your decline is reflected back as its absence. The mirror just reflects. It has no partiality or prejudice

Friday, November 18, 2005

SAI DARSHAN - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Always try to put yourself in the position of the other and judge your action against the background. Then you will not be wrong

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thought for the Day- 15th nov 2005

Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day: "In creation, no single object is like any other. No two human beings are similar in all respects; there is some aspect which distinguishes one from the rest. Immense diversity prevails. Each one has his own peculiar set of experiences. Nor is an individual the same always. The infant changes into a child, then into a boy, an adolescent, an adult, and soon becomes middle-aged, old, decrepit and, finally, senile. Why, during the course of a day, an individual passes through different states of consciousness in deep sleep, dream state and wakeful state. So man must seek refuge in the changeless Supreme Reality from which all variety emerges, and into which it merges. Then only can peace and contentment be secured."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

SAI DARSHAN - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

SAI DARSHAN - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, November 07, 2005

Thought for the Day - 11th OCT

Thought for the Day: "In spite of his precious birth as a human being, man leads a life worse than that of animals. Man should get rid of Ahamkara (the feeling that he is the doer). As long as the ego is dominant, the Atmic consciousness will not develop. The egoist cannot recognise the Atma. It is egoism that is at the root of all man's troubles. It is a delusion based on the misconceived notion that the body is real and permanent. The truth is otherwise. From an early age, one should recognise the evanescence of the body and the senses and control the desires prompted by the sense organs. Desires are insatiable. The pursuit of wealth, power and position can only end in misery. Instead, one should take refuge in God and dedicate all actions to the Divine.

Thought for the Day- 10th OCT

Thought for the Day: "All are children of God. He is the sole Lord of mankind. People may seem to differ in their names and forms and in their beliefs and practices. But the source is the One alone. Recognition of this basic truth of oneness is Brahmajnana (Knowledge of the Absolute). This knowledge cannot be gained by merely studying the scriptures and holding metaphysical discussions. What has to be recognised is the truth that every being in the universe is an embodiment of the Supreme. Awareness of the unity that subsumes the diversity is the highest knowledge."

Thought for the Day 9th OCT

Thought for the Day: "The Upanishads have declared that immortality can be experienced only through Thyaga (renunciation or sacrifice). This renunciation does not mean giving up hearth and home, kith and kin. It means giving up the transient and impermanent things of the world. This calls for discrimination between what is permanent and what is perishable. This kind of discrimination is absent among people today. Instead, they discriminate between what is convenient and what is unpleasant and choose the former. Discrimination should be exercised objectively to determine what is permanent and what is transient, what is good and what is bad. Only then can man discover the Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Awareness-Bliss) that is within him"

Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day: "Man can achieve Shanti (Peace) only through Love. Shanti is the fruit of the tree of life without which the tree is a barren stump; it has no value or validity. The fruit is encased in a bitter skin so that the sweet juice may be preserved and guarded against marauders. One has to remove the skin before tasting the sweetness within. The thick rind is symbolic of the six evil qualities that enshroud the loving heart of man: lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and hate. Those who can remove the rind and experience the sweetness within through rigorous and consistent discipline, attain everlasting peace that everyone aspires for"

If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

3.Silence is the only language of the realized. Practice moderation in speech. That will help you in many ways. It will develop Prema, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes in the heart of another will fester for life. The tongue is liable to four big errors: uttering falsehood, scandalizing, finding fault with others, and excessive speech. All these have to be avoided if there is to be Santhi for the individual as well as for society.

Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day

Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day: "The tongue is the armour of the heart; it guards one's life. Loud and unnecessary talk, words full of anger and hatred - all these affect the health of man. They breed anger and hate in others; they wound, they excite, they enrage, they estrange. Why is silence said to be golden? The silent man has no enemies, though he may not have friends. He has the leisure and the chance to dive within himself and examine his own faults and failings. He has no more inclination to seek them in others. If your foot slips, you suffer a fracture; if your tongue slips, you fracture someone's faith or joy. That fracture can never be set right; that wound will fester forever. Therefore, use the tongue with great care. Always speak softly and sweetly, and only as much as is necessary."