sai thoughts 18th jan 2006
Without God, there is no universe. To ask for physical proof of the existence of bliss or love or the fragrance of a flower is impracticable. To deny the reality of love on the ground that it has no recognizable form is meaningless. Love may have no form, but the mother who exhibits love has a form. All beings are manifestations of the Cosmic Divine. The forms are different, but the spirit that animates them all is One, like the current that illumines bulbs of different colours and wattage. Cultivate this feeling of oneness and do not be critical of any faith or religion. Dedicate your lives to the service of your fellow beings. Thereby, you will be redeeming your lives.As trees do not eat their own fruit, rivers do not drink their own water, cows do not drink their own milk, the body has not been given to man to enjoy pleasures for himself. Every man should recognize the fact that God has given the body to help others.
You must realize that the divine current that flows and functions in every living being is the One Universal entity. When you desire to enter the mansion of God, you are confronted by two closed doors - the desire to praise yourself and the desire to defame others. The doors are bolted by envy and there is also the huge lock of egoism preventing entry. So if you are earnest, you have to resort to the key of prema (love) and open the lock; then remove the bolt and throw the doors wide open. The education must train you in this difficult operation.