Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day
Sai Global Harmony - Thought for the Day: "A sparkling diamond, even if it is in a heap of garbage, will not lose its brilliance or its value. Likewise, the glory and greatness of good men will suffer no diminution in whatever circumstances or situation they may be placed. Such divine effulgence shines in every human being. Love is an expression of this effulgence. To manifest this love, men must bear every kind of suffering. The human being is like the sugarcane, filled with the juice of love. It is only when he is subjected to hardships that the divine, sweet juice of love can flow from him.
Sai darshan 19th dec
Nations are many, but Earth is one;
Beings are many, but Breath is one;
Stars are many, but Sky is one;
Oceans are many, but Water is one;
Religions are many, but God is one;
Jewels are many, but Gold is one;
Appearances are many, but Reality is One.
20th dec
There is nothing good or bad in creation. But, as long as body consciousness exists, one has to experience both. For one who lacks intelligence and wisdom, detachment becomes a burden. For one who lacks knowledge, the body becomes a burden. For one who lacks love, the mind becomes a burden.
Sai Darshan 5th dec
A bar of iron sinks in water; but beat it into a hollow vessel and it will float merrily and even carry some weight. So too, man's mind sinks easily in the sea of senses; beat it hollow, hammering it with the Name of the Lord. It will float, safely on a sea of troubles. Do not be like gramophone records singing someone else's song, ignorant of the genuine thrill of music. Sing from your own experience the glory and grace of the Lord.
Sai Darshan 5th dec
A bar of iron sinks in water; but beat it into a hollow vessel and it will float merrily and even carry some weight. So too, man's mind sinks easily in the sea of senses; beat it hollow, hammering it with the Name of the Lord. It will float, safely on a sea of troubles. Do not be like gramophone records singing someone else's song, ignorant of the genuine thrill of music. Sing from your own experience the glory and grace of the Lord.